Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] ILS extension on

----- Mensaje Original -----
De: Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com>
Fecha: Viernes, Enero 3, 2003 2:54 pm
Asunto: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] ILS extension on

> Hi all,
> Today I had an excellent idea (I think), but it needs discussion.
> Actually, I noticed that we wanted to add filters because when you are
> registered to ILS you don't want to be called by everybody.
> Well, I think that when doing things this way, we are not solving the
> real problem, we only add a workaround to try to solve the main 
> problem: having an efficient way to locate people without being 
> disturbed by
> users you don't know.
> I think that ILS should have 2 purposes :
> 1) meet new people to discuss with (most NM users are using NM 
> that way
> and for sex only)
> 2) easily contact your friends around the world
> In case 1), you want to be online on ILS and visible to all users. In
> case 2), you don't want to be contacted by other ILS users, you only
> want to be contacted by your friends.
> Our future solution was to be online on ILS, but to filter incoming
> calls. I think it is a workaround.
> My current solution is the following:
> - In case 1), you are online on ILS and visible to all users. 
> - In case 2), you are registered on ILS but you are not visible when
> refreshing the server. You are only visible when the user is doing a
> search for your particular e-mail. It is pretty efficient,
> I register to ILS with dsandras seconix com, but I'm not visible to
> users who are doing a refresh. However, if somebody is calling
> callto:// seconix com, it will work, even 
> thoughI'm not listed.
> I think it is still a better way to do things than filters because 
> mostGM users are in case 2). They don't use GM to meet new people. 
> They are
> using GM to contact people they know around the world. Those people
> don't want to be listed on ILS, but they still want to have their own
> callto:// address so that their friends can contact them.
> Good or bad idea?
> If you think it is a good idea, we could use the ilsa39321630 
> attributeproposed by Microsoft but unused by Netmeeting :
> value 1 = personal; 2 = business; 4 = adult
> We would use 1 (= personal = normal use = listed on ILS), and 2 (=
> business = not listed on ILS but working callto).
> There are 2 ways to implement that :
> - on the software side, when we do a refresh in ILS, we add a search
> filter on the value 1, so that people with value 2 are not listed.
> The bad side of the story is that you can hack GM and ask him to list
> all users like before.
> - on the server side, if value = 2, we only list the user if a 
> search on
> his email is done. if value = 1, we always list him.
> Ideas, comments ?


  From my point of view, I guess this solution would only work for GM,
and not for other H.323 compatible clients, so it is just limiting GM,
and therefore, if it is trure that most of the NM users use it just to
meet people... then they would still be able to call us :-( and we would
not win anything (they could call us anyway).
  For me, I would prefer to have the control to reject/accept whoever I
want to, and I don't mind being listed in ils, is like being in the
yellow pages, later it is up to me to accept a call from my boss or not,
for instance.

  Is not a bad idea, but I think filters are more effective. And yes! I
know tt is very easy to say for someone who is not coding them.

> _	Damien Sandras
> (o-	GnomeMeeting:
> //\	FOSDEM 2003:
> v_/_	
> 	H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com


baldrick in #gnomemeeting

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