Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] The GnomeMeeting Team

I reject my pseudo-nomination as HIG maintainer. For two reasons:
i) I never read the whole HIG.
ii) I do not have enough time. (This being the real reason).

As always, I can help here and there doing little fixes and so on, but
it would be a disfavour to the GnomeMeeting project having me as the
responsible person for one of the project areas.

So, to put it clear, I can help in any technical area you want, and I'll
happily do anything required, but you can't count on me as a a
maintainer. Sorry.

El lun, 30-06-2003 a las 14:44, Damien Sandras escribió:
> Hello to all,
> Here is a proposal to define a GnomeMeeting Team structure:
> I would like comments, feedback, and most of all confirmations from
> nominees that they accept (or reject) their role.
> You will notice there are a few empty tasks, if you feel you want to do
> them, please send back your proposition and we will examine it.
> Thanks,
> PS: Thanks to Slavka and Kilian for their help in the redaction of this
> document.

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