Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Sort in calls history

>> * I'd like the ability to sort in the calls history, by clicking on
>> the columns. Is it planned?

>any other sorting but by time doesn't make sense with a history.. i
>mean, what's to be the automagic to revert to time-based sorting?

Well I disagree. Just such a simple thing as a user might want to show oldest calls on top i.e. reversed order. That would be easy to do with interactive column sorting.

Also, it would surely be interesting to look up "all my calls with person A", albeit still sorted by time.
This might be better done with a filter function though, I admit.

But it could also be interesting to sort by duration in order to look up "my shortest/longest calls". Maybe not very common but anyway. The most logic method for this would be column sorting.

I didn't understand your last question. Is it a programming term? Gui-wise... of course, to go back to time-based sorting, you would just click on the date column.

By the way - I would like to calls history to be saved across sessions. Would that make sense? At least it could be an option.



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