Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Firewire support

Le mer 05/03/2003 à 11:02, PUYDT Julien a écrit :
> * there is a delay between my moves and them showing up in openmcu... 
> about 15s, sometimes only after a minute, sometimes immediately. Other
> strange thing: that delay doesn't show up in video preview, only during
> a call!

Arg! I just connected to my parents (nm users); the network between us

and there was no delay, it went pretty smooth, only glitch this time

> * the cam goes in sleep mode after a while.

I then made a power cycle and got the image back (during the call!),
which was a little annoying, but not a real problem.

Conclusion: rsip is good (I'm really a fan of rsip... good work ced!),
but there's something fishy somewhere. The sleep problem is certainly
something trivial to fix (perhaps I'll do that if I really have time),
but the delay looks harder: the fact that it shows up in what should be
the easiest case is... disturbing, to say the least.


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