Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Important !

Damien Sandras wrote:
Hello to all of you who are testing,

I have done big changes today. Big changes mean changes that could
completely break GnomeMeeting. That is why I need your help...

What has changed (please somebody update the wiki) :
- The way video is managed, it is a bit better now. Things to test are
doing calls with and without preview enabled, but also exiting during
calls done with and without preview enabled.
- The devices gconf keys. They have been reorganized. If you want to get
rid of the old keys, here is what you have to do :
	As root: gnomemeeting-config-tool --clean-schemas
	         gnomemeeting-config-tool --install-schemas
	As user: gnomemeeting-config-tool --clean

I have tested to clean and install new schema and everyting is ok.

I have also played around with Gnomemeeting and had video
preview enabled and it seems to work ok, will test more later when I am in call.

Then you can open gconf-editor and check the new structure below the
devices key.

Everything could be broken from this. There are lots of tests to do, for
example : changing the audio and video plugins during a call, same for
the devices and for the devices options (you have the audio and video
devices to test). Check that you can change all devices options, that
they all have the required effect adn that they do not make appear new
keys that are not in the original schema (ie 2 keys for the video size
for example).

Who will test that? Johnny? Kilian? Fabrice? Who else? That needs to be
tested this week. That doesn't take much time, just change the values,
during calls, when not in a call, see if they are applied and check that
no otehr keys appear in gconf-editor, gnomemeeting/devices section. If
they appear, that means I have made a mistake somewhere...


PS: I need confirmation of people who will test. Please mail me
privately about that.

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