Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Little bugs in the druid, in the devices' tests


Le mer 10/09/2003 à 18:54, PUYDT Julien a écrit :
> when you run the druid, in the audio test, if the device doesn't open
> (already in use or whatever), you get the error window. That is the
> normal, expected behaviour. But you also get the test window above it,
> telling you it is recording with a delay, etc... That second window
> should not appear, since the device couldn't be obtained successfully.

That is indeed a bug that I have to fix when I come back. I'll try to
remember it :)

> Now, in the video test, It couldn't test for my webcam, because it was
> already opened in the preview; then I stopped the preview and could do
> the test (that is good!), that was successful. I re-enabled the preview,
> then I decided to try with my avc cam... I chose AVC (in the druid!), gm
> chose the only AVC device, then... I had the surprise to see the webcam
> picture disappear, and the avc cam picture appear! I consider it as a
> bug, since I didn't change my setting, just chose another device to
> test...

That is done on purpose. We have only 2 solutions here :
- We apply settings on the fly, and it gives the behavior you are
describing, settings in the druid and in the prefs are bound together,
changing one, will change the other on-the-fly.
- We apply the settings at the end of the druid. 

I don't consider that as a bug, but if you provide me a patch, I will
apply it. If not, it will depend on my spare time as I don't consider
this as a bug.

> For your information, what I wanted to test was:
> * have the successful test message in the druid window;
> * choose another device;
> * have the message disappear, as the new device hadn't been tested yet;
> ==> I can confirm I found the bug I sought: the success message didn't
> disappear ; and I found a new one: gm changed a setting I think it
> shouldn't have changed -- at least not before the test was successful.

The success message disappears when you are doing a new test. Nothing
weird here.

> Perhaps the audio test has the same issues; I don't have enough sound
> devices to check...

Yes, that is the gconf logic ;)

> That makes 3 bugs, perhaps more if the same apply to both audio&video.

Thanks for the report, at least one person is testing! That's good.

> Snark
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