Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] FYP on video conferencing.

Hi Kenny!

>   I've to admit that my project is not a brand new one, but what I'm doing for 
> the FYP is not the whole part of the project. The whole project consists of a 
> Linux based video conferencing system, a security monitoring system and a PDA 
> video conferencing system. And I'm responsible for the first part.
To give us some idea about what this project looks like, can you point
us to any web links? It certainly sounds interesting but you need to
understand that we have no idea what the project as a whole is like and
we can definitely give you better advice if you provide us with a little
more information.

For me personally, it's always interesting to see stuff interoperate
with GM. Especially the PDA-Vid-Conf stuff sounds like fun. Could you be
so kind and send us a link?

>   As I'm inexperienced in modifying the source code, do you guys have any 
> suggestions on what should I start with? Are there any documentation or web 
> sites that could help me?
I believe that GM's source code is very well documented and very clean.
So, if you want to understand it, don't start modifying it right away.
Instead, have a look at the source code first and familiarize yourself
with the classes that are there and with what methods are called where
to achieve this or that. I believe that Damien has a done a great job
keeping the code very transparent and un-cryptic (I'm not much of a
coder myself but I had looked at it a lot of times some months ago and
it was rather easy to get a good overview).

Have fun and keep us posted!


JOIN - IP Version 6 in the WiN  Christian Strauf
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