Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [PATCH] more private druid

On jeu, 2004-04-29 at 14:56, Damien Sandras wrote:

> Don't use things like this :
> +  dw = (GmDruidWindow *)g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT
> (GnomeMeeting::Process ()->GetDruidWindow ()), "GMObject");
> Put the data as data of the GtkWidget *druid_window, put that
> druid_window in GmWindow * and call the get_data thing only in
> druid_window.cpp.

I can't call the get_data only in src/druid.cpp yet:
src/sound_handling.cpp and src/videograbber.cpp still need it. I think
I'll make some sort of void
gnomemeeting_druid_set_test_buttons_sensitivity (GtkWidget *, gboolean)
to take care of this. Do you like that? (feel free to provide a better
name for that function!)

And even in druid.cpp, I don't like the idea to have to call
GnomeMeeting::Process ()->GetDruidWindow (), most of the calls should
just get the GtkWidget* as first argument.

As I said, this is only a beginning...


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