Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] openh323 Build Error on x86_64


Could you please post the output of the error?

The CVS version of openh323 contains a few fixes for 64 bits
architectures, so perhaps you could try plain CVS (see for tarballs)

Le jeudi 26 août 2004 à 21:14 -0700, Craig Milo Rogers a écrit :
> 	openh323_v1_13_4, downloaded from the Gnomemeeting Web site,
> did not build for me on an x86_64 system.  I believe the problem is
> that the files in the lpc10/src directory are not compiled with the
> same GCC options (in particular, -fPIC is not applied) as the rest of
> the code, leading to a link-time incompatability.
> 	I attempted a quick-hack fix, but it didn't work.  I apologize
> for not being able to offer a solution along with this bug report.
> 					Craig Milo Rogers
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