Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [PATCH] vfakeio modification

On lun, 2004-02-09 at 09:29, Damien Sandras wrote:
> Well it still fails... That problem has to be fixed, it was working
> before.

It always works in the end here. But gathering from the experience I
have had with the problem, I would say:
* changing the image path from clicking in the file selector only
modifies the gtk entry, but doesn't activate it;
* activating the gtk entry (pressing enter) doesn't really seem to work
reliably either ; it's like gtk timeouts after a moment without edition
then notifies gnomemeeting the entry changed;
* when gnomemeeting finally get the notification that something changed,
it changes the gconf entry, and relaunches the plugin.

> If you see Kilian on the channel, warn him that I will send patches. I
> forgot to commit a few things yesterday and the strings freeze is today.
> (I guess it starts at midnight).

I guess Dominance reads the list ;-)


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