[no subject]

I would mark your bug as showstopper for 1.00. I think we won't be ready
in time. No news anymore from Zanee for the doc, I've found a few bugs
yesterday. Johnny has problems adn now you. Moreover I will be away all
week-ends from now.

I guess we should perhaps provide 0.98.5 in GNOME 2.6 and release later.
We'll see next week.

Le 10/2/2004, "Kilian Krause" <kk verfaction de> a =E9crit:

>Hi Damien,
>Am Di, den 10.02.2004 schrieb Damien Sandras um 09:40:
>> Wonderful that happens in Orbit and GConf. Have you recently updated them?
>> Try "bonobo-slay", "killall -9 gconfd-2".
>apart from that my gnome-terminal collapsed and all applets have been
>reloaded, GM still tries digging my hd.. .. nothin changed thus..
>and nope, i haven't updated them it seems.. they date back to 28.1.04..
>Best regards,
> Kilian

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