[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] GnomeMeeting 0.99.2

Hello to all,

GnomeMeeting 0.99.2 has been uploaded to the GNOME FTP. As always, it
has to be considered as Beta software, and it is not intended to be
broadly distributed. 

However, all features of the 1.00 release are already present, we will
now enter the "polishing" phase. The next weeks will see intensive
testing, integration of the manual, bugfixes and code cleanups. No major
features will be added.

We urge you to test it and report bugs, comments, ask questions on
gnomemeeting-devel-list gnome org

Thanks for your help!
 _      Damien Sandras
//\     It-Optics s.a.
v_/_    GnomeMeeting: http://www.gnomemeeting.org/
        FOSDEM 2004:  http://www.fosdem.org
        H.323 phone:  callto:ils.seconix.com/dsandras seconix com

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