[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] 1st DC (1394 Webcam) Tests

First of all thanks Johnny for quickly recompiling the packages:

After reinstall libdc1394 & pwlib from

I launched NM and started te config wizard. When asked for video
manager (sorry if the translation is not correct) on page 7/9 
there was a new one there: DC (complete list picture, AVC, DV,

Device selection offered 4 posible choices: raw1394 or any of
/dev/video1394/[0-4]. When selecting raw1394 or video1394/0
there was conection with the camera, and there was an error (device
error) on the other devices.

I have tested then switching (preferences) small and big image. 
Everithing was resized ok. Choosing from PAL, SECAM, ... didn't do
anyting on the image. 

Image (local) is quite good, no jumps nor stops. The only noticeable
thing is that a black margin is always present at it (see attached
picture). It doesn't matter how big or small the image is, the margin is
always there.

Another thing: colour, brightness, contrast controls didn't do anything.

Ok, those are just my first testings more news soon ...

Toni Moreno <tonim telefonica net>

Attachment: tonim1394.png
Description: PNG image

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