Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [PATCH] gnomemeeting_log_insert cleaning

On jeu, 2004-01-22 at 09:40, Damien Sandras wrote:
> - There are no thread-safe problems with the 2 FIXME, the only thing
> that has to be between *_threads_* are calls that modify the GUI.


> - Have you removed #include "misc.h" where they were not needed anymore
> due to the change?

There were none: since misc.h contains very useful functions (like the
locking functions), it is always needed... It took me quite a few runs
to get that correct (algorithm: if it fails, replace misc.h by tools.h,
if it still fails, add misc.h again).

> - Wouldn't we rename gnomemeeting_log_insert in gnomemeeting_history_add
> or something so?

No, because "history" is where you put the list of
placed/received/missed calls, and "log" is where you put information
that may turn out useful to debug a problem... that is the reason why I
would be more inclined to make another patch to rename the
history_text_view to log_text_view than what you propose.


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