Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Failed to load avcodec_set_print_fn

On Sunday 13 June 2004 14:07, Kilian Krause wrote:
> These rules are *NOT* for netmeeting ... They work on GnomeMeeting only!
> So in case your netmeeting peer has chosen to not receive video due to
> his bandwidth settings, then you'll not be sending any. And for a common
> codec to be usable that NetMeeting user has to "install" MS-GSM with the
> tool on

Is there any rules i can put up for netmeeting? Will openphone work fine 
instead of netmeeting with these rules(supposing there is no GM for windoz)? 
I will ask the remote end to install the MS-GSM codecs. Yes, the netmeeting 
user has enabled LAN support. Remote end can see my video(and i can see his) 
while GM is running on the proxy so i guess video transmission is allowed 

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