[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Why NetMeeting is still needed - was Re: [Discuss] Windows Service (NOT Service Pack ;)

I think this is a pretty insightful summary of why NetMeeting is still
being used and why we're getting requests to make it run via Wine, so
I'm CCing this to the GnomeMeeting developer list to make sure they are
aware of these issues (they probably are but just in case).

Context is "Why doesn't NetMeeting let me use application sharing?".

NetMeeting runs pretty well on Wine and a fair number of people use it,
in fact we've had corporate clients ask us to improve it. The first
question people always ask about this (and I did the same) is "Why not
use GnomeMeeting?". Well, here's why. NetMeeting is more a collaboration
tool. GnomeMeeting is more a video conferencing tool.

Hope this helps.

thanks -mike

On Sat, 2004-06-19 at 11:23 -0400, Stef wrote:
> I dont know quite how Windows does the GDI or
> backend of netmeeting, to be honest, so i would
> rather not give my 2c on that .. however .. i do
> have a '2cents' on the following paragraph :)
> > Alternatively somebody else in the community might do it but I think
> > NetMeeting is the only sort of program that needs it, and GnomeMeeting
> > works great for most.
> > 
> sorry, but this is really comparing apples and
> oranges. GnomeMeeting is closer to a V&VoIP tool
> whereas NetMeeting is more akin to WhiteBoard.
> Now, thats not meaning to take anything away
> from GnomeMeeting, but the concept of holding 
> up a diagram to a camera to allow them to view
> it and then show with a pen on the diagram, well,
> thats not my concept of WhiteBoard or 'remote
> demonstration'
> Perhaps, its a conceptual problem, as in most
> people think NetMeeting does -only- V&VoIP sort
> of things. If you start to use it (NetMeeting this
> is) you will see that there are tools that do part
> of the task, but usually not all of it. 
> Also, this is not even touching on the fact that
> sometimes you have clients in the Business World
> that dictate to you which software to use. Sad
> but true.
> anyway, thanks for the pointers/thoughts :)
> Steff
> (ps. this is not a defense of NetMeeting, jst 
> trying to explain the rationale behind needing
> it ;)

Mike Hearn <mh codeweavers com>
CodeWeavers, Inc

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