Re: GUI Reorganization (was Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] About the name change)

> Good idea too, I don't know how it would look with the Dialpad and the
> control panel at the same time, but it would certainly be good.

Ooops no, the problem with that approach is that you can not have the
dialpad and the video visible at the same time, and that can be very
annoying if you have to send DTMF's during your video call. (Cisco Call
Manager has introduced video in its IP PBX'es, so you can need video and
DTMF's at the same time).

So the question is now :
- Would people like having the Compact/Deployed/Classic mode instead if
the show/hide menu entries and toolbar buttons allowing to show/hide
each component (except the video window) individually currently?

It would permit to remove 2 buttons from the current toolbar (we would
replace them by other buttons more useful, dunno what yet).
 _      Damien Sandras
(o-     GnomeMeeting:
//\     FOSDEM      :
v_/_    H.323 phone : seconix com

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