Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] OSS plugin not there, ALSA confused

On mar, 2004-03-16 at 17:59, Pierre-Philippe Coupard wrote:
> Anyway, I wanted to alleviate the problem temporarily by switching to OSS, but 
> apparently the OSS plugin has disappeared, despite the fact that I have it 
> installed from the debian cvs feed. So right now I'm kind of cornered :-)
> For information, I use the bleeding edge from cvs as of today, 16/03/04, and I 
> compiled GM myself from source.
> Any idea?

1. cvs packages, as the name implies, are supposed to be used only by
people that know what they're doing, ie: contributors (of code,
translation, review, testing, or whatever);
2. to get valid backtraces in case of a crash, it has been decided that
those packages will be build without plugin support: ALSA and V4L are
statically linked in.

There may be a problem in the alsa plugin in case of several cards with
the same name, I guess Damien will look into it. But please, please, if
you're "just" a user, stick to the stable releases unless there's a good
reason why you can't...


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