Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] how to make a n-to-n conference with gnomemeeting?

Hi Andres,

> I want a system to make a n-to-n conference. ¿Can gnomemeeting do this?

Not without help. (At least not at the moment)

> I have read something MCU but I don't know how to install and use. where
> I find a guide to make this?. I wan't, of course, use linux by all: MCU
> server and clients.

try to install openmcu for your distro. Source is available on but packages are widespread.

> If gnomemeeting don't support n-to-n I can implement it as part of my
> final project of degree.

patches are always welcome ;)

> I want too a system to make 1-to-n conference. I think by this is better
> usa a streeming server. ¿can gnomeeting save the video input to a file
> that FFMPEG server can use?.

GM cannot record video at the moment. 1-to-N streaming is possible with
openmcu too thru the --single-stream switch.

Best regards,

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