Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] GK connection renewal

Malcolm Caldwell a �it :

On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 10:59 +0200, daniel huhardeaux wrote:
Damien Sandras a �it :

Le mercredi 20 octobre 2004 �0:14 +0200, daniel huhardeaux a �it :

Damien Sandras a �it :


Here is the list of changes :
- there is now a force renewal setting in the preferences, the default
is 60 minutes, but you can change it.

Gatekeeper section.

But not this from 20041019. And that's surprising as I just wake up my laptop and ... could place a call through my GK without unregistring/registring! Will follow it carefully.

I think I have said this before, if I am not wrong, you can do lookups
(LRQ) against gatekeepers you are not registered to.  I don't think
there is anything in the protocols that say you must be registered.
IFAIK, openh323 even has a syntax where you could say 'call alias x
registered to gatekeeper y', and the code would do the lookup without
first registering to the gatekeeper.

This follows the behaviour you notice: you are not (or at least no
longer) registered, but gm does not know that, and performs a lookup
anyway, which the gatekeeper honours just fine.
So I finally found the right build ;-) Working fine. Thanks.

Question: what happend when I wake up laptop after hibernate and place immediately a call? Does GM test LRQ against GK before a call or call will fail till GM re-register or I do it manually?

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