Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Dbus python client

Le 1/4/2005, "Philippe Normand" <Philippe Normand enst-bretagne fr> a

>I'm trying to control GM with DBus (make/end calls mainly) in Python. So
>i was told on IRC that Snark already wrote some stuff about that.
>I first tried to get the Bonobo component work, but encountered an issue
>when GM is running in X without any WM. For a reason i couln't figure
>out, the bonobo GM "object" is not registered ... Anyway
>So i'm hoping to have more luck with DBus, am i ? :) Snark, can i see
>your python dbus client ?

I'm progressing :)

bus = dbus.SessionBus()
gconf_service = bus.get_service("org.gnomemeeting.CallService")
obj = gconf_service.get_object("/org/gnomemeeting/EndPoint",

print obj.GetState()

leads to :

    print obj.GetState()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/", line 235, in __call__
    reply_message = self._connection.send_with_reply_and_block(message,
  File "dbus_bindings.pyx", line 524, in
dbus_bindings.DBusException: Process /opt/proj-gnome//bin/gnomemeeting
exited with status 1


GM is launched before accessing to the service though. I probably need to
try CVS out. Any hint ?


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