Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] GM 3.00, big changes, already partly introduced in 2.00

Damien Sandras a �it :

IMNSHO the url is something people shouldn't see if they didn't type it themselves.

So what do you propose?

It should be hidden as much as possible. Perhaps having a very simple keyboard shortcut to make a text entry window appear would be possible? I mean, if someone is going to enter a phone number, (s)he has to use the keyboard already...

Having a system to see if the user is online is also required. That can
be done later through jabber. The contacts list can be extended to
support Jabber contacts, with a small phone icon next to their nickname
if they accept H.323 or SIP calls.
Things get messy when you have ils, jabber and phone number for a same contact. Or worse, several of each of those for a same contact...

That's right, it is a problem, however, it can be easily solved :
- if it has jabber info, it becomes a jabber contact and we get presence
support, if not, it is not a jabber contact, and we have no presence
- the URL for voip will be unique
Uh... unfortunately, for a jabber contact you don't have the url. When you want to make a call, you ask to the contact ('s client), then send _your_ url to get called. The idea is that in jabber, people are not supposed to have information about everyone, so if _you_ need p2p information _you_ disclose information about yourself.

That has two advantages:
* it is a security feature ;
* the url is always up-to-date.


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