Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Re: Calling regression...

Le mardi 02 août 2005 à 14:32 +0200, Jan Schiefer a écrit :
> Hash: SHA1
> I need gnomemeeting-opal .tar.gz's BEFORE 20050717 to continure tracing.
> gnomemeeting-opal-cvs_20050717-01 is the last in snapshot archive.

If there is a problem, you need to use an old libopal because the
problem would be in libopal, not in gnomemeeting.

Notice I very much doubt there is a problem, because things are working
perfectly here with various setup, and your trace indicate that your
proxy is sending "Request Timeout".

That indicate a problem on their side OR the INVITE that you are sending
is not received. However, it seems to be received because the proxy
answers back with a 100 TRYING.

So the problem really seems to be on their side. From the SIP point of
view, the trace you have sent seems correct.

I could also be wrong.
 _      Damien Sandras
(o-     GnomeMeeting:
//\     FOSDEM 2005 :
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