Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] @ int the username

Sylvain Collilieux a écrit :


I use cvs version of Debian package (GnomeMeeting 1.9.0-20051215). I
would like to use my wengo account in gnomemeeeting since it supports
SIP. Wengo use your email adress as the username and gnomemeeting
doesn't accept "@" in User Name and in Authentification User Name .
that's not true. I'm register with them:

User: <WenboxID> ;which is generally your WengoPseudo
Authentication User: <WenboxID>
Password: <WenboxPassword>                ;even if you don't have Wenbox

You will find this informations in your account -> parameters of your line

A dialog appears with this message when you validate :

"Please make sure to provide a valid account name, host name, realm,
user name, authentication user name and registration timeout."

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