[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Re: Remove GnomeMeeting from Gnome module list?

Hi Elijah,

Today at 20:59, Elijah Newren wrote:

> It looks to me like we've actually hit on a gray area.  Both sides
> could be right, because as far as I can tell, the issues being
> discussed aren't actually spelled out anywhere that I can find (I'm
> looking at http://www.gnome.org/start/2.9/ and all the links at
> http://developer.gnome.org/dotplan/).  Yes, it appears GnomeMeeting is
> functioning different than other modules, but not in a way that breaks
> any explicitly listed rules that I can find...  (more below)

You got to the core of my request.  Note that I'm only talking on my
personal behalf, not representing GTP, or whoever. 

> So, the major issue appears to be making stable releases before the
> rest of the modules in the release set do.  It does make sense to give
> i18n, a11y, u7y (usability), q15e (quality assurance), (sorry, I can't
> resist adding to the abbreviations) and the other teams time to work
> on modules; however, I can't find a rule that says stable releases
> can't be done before.  So long as all the appropriate freezes are
> followed for a given release, it appears that this doesn't go against
> any policies.  Perhaps that should be changed, but that is something
> we need to discuss.  Or, perhaps there really is a policy against it
> and I just missed it (but if so, we really need to make it more clear
> because if I don't know about it and I've tried my best to be up on
> this stuff, then others are certainly missing it).

That's what I wanted to discuss with my original mail.  I concentrated
on GnomeMeeting, since it's the best example of a module which seems
to (more-or-less) follow all the "rules", but it doesn't actually work
like the rest of the modules, thus all those "a11s" (abbreviations :)
suffer, at least IMHO.

Perhaps it was intactful to do it this way, but it allows discussion
on a concrete matter, instead of theoretical discussion. This has it's
bad sides as well, since someone gets to feel offended. :(

For those not believing me that I wanted to discuss this, look at
question mark at the end of subject. :)


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