Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Gconf key error with GnomeMeeting 1.3.0

Hi Libin,

I don't know if you found a resolution to this problem yet, but here's
what I did to get past it: since we want all the Gconf keys to be
"apps/gnomemeeting-snapshot" and not "apps/gnomemeeting" there are some
additional files that need to be changed, mostly in the po subdirectory,
but also in a few other places.

First I created a list of files with "apps/gnomemeeting-snapshot/":

$ find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l "apps\/gnomemeeting\/" >

You'll want to sanity check the generated file.  I took out the
Changelog (and since I had already compiled once, any .o files and the
gnomemeeting binary).

Next I changed all the keys with this short Python script (I'm sure
there are better ways, this is what my limited experience came up with):

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
f = open('filelist')
filelist = f.readlines()
for file in filelist:
    file = file[:-1]
    print 'ed "%s"' % file
    input = os.popen('ed "%s"' % file, 'w')

There is one more file you'll need to edit though, the  Open it and search and replace on
apps/gnomemeeting with apps/gnomemeeting-snapshot.  Also replace
gnomemeeting.schemas with gnomemeeting-snapshot.schemas (one

Next step is to clean up and run autogen again and make install.

After you have gnomemeeting-snapshot installed, shutdown gconfd using
kill and make sure it's no longer running.  Then install the
gnomemeeting-snapshot schemas into Gconf:

$ gnomemeeting-config-tool-snapshot --install-schemas

I think I did that as root, but I'm not sure why now.  It was 3:00 am
when I was doing all this.  I might try it as a normal user if I did it

That was it for me.  After all that, when I started gconf-editor I could
see all the new keys in apps/gnomemeeting-snapshot and Gnomemeeting
started without error.

Hope that helps,

> [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Gconf key error with GnomeMeeting 1.3.0
>     * From: "ZHANG Libin" <zhanglibin nlsde buaa edu cn>
>     * To: "'GnomeMeeting development mailing list'"
<gnomemeeting-devel-list gnome org>
>     * Subject: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Gconf key error with
GnomeMeeting 1.3.0
>     * Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 23:24:05 +0800
> Hi, all
> I compiled GnomeMeeting 1.3.0 and try to run it, but got some error
message as:
> Gconf key error
> GnomeMeeting got an invalid value for the GConf key
> It probably means that your GConf schemas have not been correctly
installed or the that permissions are not correct.
> Please check the FAQ (, the
throubleshoot section of the GConf site
( or the mailing list archives for
more information ( about this problem.
> I looked up the FAQ and tried the method as given, but seems no
effect :( $ chmod -R 4755 /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/ $ killall -9
> I noticed that "If it doesn't work, either GConf is not properly setup
on your system, either you don't have compiled GnomeMeeting with the
right GConf flags."
> Then what GConf flags should be set when compiling GnomeMeeting?
> Thank you,
> Libin
> _____________________________________________________________
> (Mr.) ¿? ¿?¿? / ZHANG Libin
>     IPv6 Research Group
>     National Laboratory of Software Development Environment
>     603# Baiyan Building, Beihang University, Beijing, China.
> _____________________________________________________________
> Active Email:
>     acezlb sina com
>     zhanglibin nlsde buaa edu cn
> _____________________________________________________________
> Tel No.:
>     (O)86-10-82338097
>     (H)86-10-82353717

Jonathan H. Wheaton <jonathan_wheaton adelphia net>
"Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others."

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