Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Promotion

On 11/4/05, Julien PUYDT <jpuydt free fr> wrote:
> Peter Robinson a écrit :
> > I would be even inclinded to call it beta1 as AFAICT it has all the
> > the major features now such as video support and the like.
> The major features are in yes, but not all of them. There are still some
> things that are pending, like :
> - Damien's work on text messages ;
> - my dbus work ;
> - a patch for bonjour support (still waiting for news on that one :-/ ).
> It's close to beta, yes ; but not there yet I think ;-)

Fair enough, but I would still do a releases (call it alpha - doesn't
matter, hey just call it 1.9.x) in line with the 2.13 releases leading
up to a Jan/Feb release to get some wider testing rather than leaving
it until just before the 2.14 release. I seem to remember leading up
to the 2.10 release (I think) therre was someone from the translation
team that caused a big who-har because we didn't. It may get us better
testing and people helping which is what we would like to achieve
anyway. It gets it out there so to speak.


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