[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [3d round] Dbus' future in gnomemeeting


here is the current state of my draft for dbus in gnomemeeting 2.0 ; since dbus objects come with various interfaces, I propose the following organisation, where I think the net.gnomemeeting.helper interface could be managed by another (very little) program.

The reason for that little program is that if a dbus partner just want to ask a question about a static thing, then it's a good idea to avoid launching the whole gnomemeeting.

If nothing turns up, I'm considering asking people what they think about it on dbus' mailing list.


Accounts manager interface (net.gnomemeting.instance.accounts)

* "GetAccountsList"
 in    : nil
 out   : list of strings (account names)
* "Register"
 in    : string (account name)
 out   : nil
* "Unregister"
 in    : string (account name)
 out   : nil
* "ResignalAccountState"
 in    : string (account name)
 out   : nil (the answer will come as directed signals)

Signals about accounts :

* "account-register"
 data  : string (account name), int (account state)

Account states : int (Invalid, Unregistered, Registered)

Call tokens manager (net.gnomemeeting.instance.calls)

* "GetCallsList"
 in    : nil
 out   : list of strings (call tokens)
* "Connect"
 in    : string (url)
 out   : string (call token)
* "Disconnect"
 in    : string (call token)
 out   : nil
* "PlayPause"
 in    : string (call token)
 out   : nil
* "Transfer"
 in    : string (call token), string (url)
 out   : nil
* "ResignalCallInfo"
 in    : string (call token)
 out   : nil (the answer will come as directed signals)

Signals about call tokens :

* "state-changed"
 data  : string (call token), int (state of the call token)
* "name-info"
 data  : string (call token), string (remote name)
* "client-info"
 data  : string (call token), string (remote client software)
* "url-info"
 data  : string (call token), string (remote url)
* "protocol-info"
 data  : string (call token), string (protocol used)

Call states : int (Invalid, Standby, Calling, Connected, Called)

Helper (net.gnomemeeting.helper)
* "GetSupportedProtocols"
 in    : nil
 out   : list of strings (example: "SIP", "H323")
* "GetVersion"
 in    : nil
 out   : int (version of the dbus api)

Unsorted (where should I put it ?! net.gnomemeeting.instance.self ?!)
* "GetLocalAddress"
 in    : string (protocol name)
 out   : string (address for that protocol)

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