Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Re: GM OPAL compile problems with gnome-doc-utils

Le jeudi 22 septembre 2005 à 18:31 +0200, Julien PUYDT a écrit :
> Where are your plugins installed ?

They're in /home/alex/install/lib/pwlib/devices/sound/ :
total 328
-r--r--r--  1 alex alex 152915 sep 22 14:42
-r--r--r--  1 alex alex 168351 sep 22 14:42

Is there a way to force GM to be aware of their location? I compiled it
with --pwlib-dir=/home/alex/install though...

> You could run the on a system with gnome (with
> --no-configure 
> so it just generates the configure script and doesn't run it), then
> tar 
> the resulting directory... that you could then configure&compile
> everywhere.

Good idea! I'll do that when I get home on my other system.
Thanks for your time!

Alexandre Aractingi <aaractingi libertysurf fr>

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