Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [BUG] significant white noise background if callling from landline over asterisk

Damien Sandras wrote:
Le mardi 21 février 2006 à 12:15 +0200, Johnny Strom a écrit :

Damien Sandras wrote:

Le lundi 20 février 2006 à 18:37 +0100, Kilian Krause a écrit :



condition: echocancel set to off

if switched on, noise is gone.

echocancel seems to have various funny effects. It's new code and from
what I have heard so far, it's quite far from perfect. So disabling it
is probably the safe bet here.

I was not aware of this. How come the main developer is not aware of
problems in echo cancellation?


Damien I told you about that the other day on IRC, Lotte and I had problems with the sound when echo cancel was on.
The sound was breaking up.
But when we disabled echo cancelation so was it fine.
We used speex wideband as codec.

We could test more after fosdem.

When I use sipdiscount so is it working fine with echo cancelation active so it is not all the time that there are problems with it.

And how can you be sure the problem is with echo cancellation?

Yes I am quite sure we did a couple of calls and we had problems but when I disbaled echo cancelation so was it ok again and the sound was great with speex widband.

I can not test more right now I think we have to wait until after fosdem before I can comfirm it.

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