Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Registration via IP address failed

Kilian Krause a écrit :


Could this be a cvs update glitch or something? Killian?
Yes, Kilian?

ok, switch to seems to have "healed" this magically. We'll
know in like 5h or so when the packs are rolled out to public mirrors
after the full rebuild. ;)

Anyone in the US, AU or CA preferably confirm it before Damien checks
mail so he'll have a good start into the day.
Let's say I'm from this areas ;-)

. problem with IP addresses from iface disappears, each iface has now her good IP . no choice DetectInterfaces from yesterday Damien's words: "Go in DetectInterfaces, and add a cout for the interfaces."
. no manual. I'm runing Ekiga under KDE


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