Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] win32 build issues

Hi Kilian,

Am Montag 30 Januar 2006 19:46 schrieb Kilian Krause:
> Hi Michael,
> > ...Makefile to my needs. Attached you find the result. Building works
> > under Linux.
> not as non-root for me, but I daresay I do like your edit. Somewhat
> that's a nice chance with the new style, but it won't work
> out-of-the-box for my Debian SID chroot. :-]
> Well, I'll see how much I need to revert to make it work again

thank you for your answer. I agree our setups are very different, you with a 
chrooted sid and me with a home made and HOME-located crosscompiler. 
Nevertheless, the only obstacle which I can imagine separates us, is the make 
depend bahaviour of openldap which does not respect any include arguments for 
finding regex.h, at least in my environment. It was this regex which made me 
start editing your Makefile, and then I couldn't stop. One might consider 
regex as fairly established and not subject to frequent changes. So one could 
install it as root every now and then and forget about it in the Makefile.

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