Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Win32 fullscreen

Michael Rickmann a �it :
ekiga_win32-1.patch just fixes the SDL hung window issue.

I read that patch several times ; I don't really like it : it seems both too complex and too intrusive. I would like more explanations to convince myself it does the right things.

In particular, what prevents us from turning :
  gm_mw_init_fullscreen_video_window (GtkWidget *main_window)
    <init code>
  static gboolean
  gm_mw_init_fullscreen_video_window_idle (gpointer data)
    <turn data into main_window>
    <init code (same as before)>
  gm_mw_init_fullscreen_video_window (GtkWidget *main_window)
    /* this hack is required for the win32 port */
    g_idle_add (gm_mw_init_fullscreen_video_window, main_window);
and the same trick for gm_mw_destroy_fullscreen_video_window? (Apart from the fact that a mutex would certainly be needed to protect the access to mw->screen ?)

I also have a question about the SDL code ; it isn't precisely about the discussed patch, but it fell on me while studying to understand it : wouldn't it be possible to do the SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_VIDEO) once at startup, and SDL_Quit () once at shutdown ? It doesn't seem logical to load&init then clean&unload SDL each and every time the user toggles fullscreen.


PS: it's unrelated, but why aren't gm_mw_init_fullscreen_video_window and gm_mw_destroy_fullscreen_video_window static ?

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