Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] WIN32 installer breaks gaim 1.5.0 setups


On Sunday 14 May 2006 03:59, thomas schorpp wrote:
> just want to forward confirmend reports about conflicting ekiga-cvs/gaim
> 1.5.0 gtk dependencies on windows.
> theres a bug in the ekiga installer not allowing gtk upgrade (error
> messagebox).
there is no official installer for Win32-Ekiga yet, must be my private hack 
which is accessible over the net to find out about things like that.
Fact is, that Ekiga definitely needs gtk+ version 2.8.x whereas Gaim 1.5.0 can 
use 2.6.10 maximally. 

Oh, it should have been the other way around. The installer checks for 
installed Gtk+ runtime. If it does not find at least mingtk='2.8.9', 
minglib='2.8.5' it should ask to install that version and bail out. I will 
have a look at that, thank you, and be a bit less strict perhaps.

> maybe this fixes itself as soon gaim 2 for windows is availlable.
I guess, it will. Gaim 1.5.0 for Windows offers a download including the Gtk+ 
2.6.10 runtime. Do they install it in a common place or in a private 
directory?  Currently, Ekiga Win32 is compatible with The Gimp only which I 
think is the standard.

> thx
> tom

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