RE: [GnomeMeeting-list] FAQ

On Mon, 2001-12-10 at 17:31, enzo bontempo borasoft it wrote:
> How to view girls only on ??

I've just extended the ILS schema on to have
the "sex" attribute ;-)

$ ./ils xmlmisc/cs.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ils SYSTEM "ils.dtd" []>
   <dn>c=EN,o=Gnome,cn=paul666 mailandnews com,objectclass=RTPerson</dn>
   <cn>paul666 mailandnews com</cn>

Features like this will be trivial to do in the next version of
gnomemeeting that has my xml ldap modifications...

I have already added extensions to allow yourself to be only visible
in the directory to people who are registered (and the inverse should
you so wish), and also have added a group attribute (which can have
multiple values), so that you can more easily determine whether people
you are interested in talking to, are available.

i.e. in your ils xml registration file you might specify

Then in your search file, you could put
<search filter="(|(group=foo)(group=bar)" /> to
only show people in those groups.



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