Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] "RedHat 8.0" + "Gnomemeetring

Matthias Redlich wrote:

Am Mit, 2002-11-13 um 18.24 schrieb Thomas Rump:
Hi everybody,
may be someone in this group has the same issue (and having found a solution fot it:-) If i'm starting the machine with the usb-webcam dropped in (an "Dell" notebook with the system by "RedHat 8.0") "kudzu" is starting too with a message of finding an 'unknown' soundcard and gave me the decision to configure or to ignore it. So out of the past i know i came into trouble with a configuration i try to 'ignore' it, it must be the soundcard of the microphone, which is built in of the "Philips ToUcam Pro", but only when i typed (i think) 'F3' the 'start' has gone further - with the result, of trying by start to 'X' a message appears, that there is no psm, or so! Then under the point 'mixer' at first i had only the possibility to change the values for the microphone. That's the problem. Under 'lsmod' i had also: usb-uhci; pwcx-gcc32; audio; pwc; videodev and the 'usbmgr'- program is also installed, cause i don't want to change _the running kernel._ (Cause i'm not sure in how it goes!) When i try to put this webcam to usb, when the machine is running, "Gnomemeeting" runs too, but with problems to talk over the microphone - is better way to chat!
For a little help i would be  l u c k y!
Thomas Rump  (Germany)

GnomeMeeting-list mailing list
GnomeMeeting-list gnome org
Sorry, I'm not really sure what you want to know, maybe I'm completely
Is it the alert of X? - Maybe your sound-devices changed due to the
audio-modul for your webcam. In some cases the usb-micro (included in
the webcam) has the /dev/dsp device and the soundcard changed from
/dev/dsp to /dev/dsp1. You'd have to change the settings for you
applications to use the proper device (I even don't know which
application it is because you didn't tell us which software you use).

Best regard,
*hoping-he-helped* Matthias

GnomeMeeting-list mailing list
GnomeMeeting-list gnome org

I was only trying to say, that i typed 'startx' to come out of the console to the desktop of "RedHat 8.0". My soundcard is named "Maestro3" and the driver i think is 'oss', i didn't have made a change to 'alsa'.
Hope i don't make work ...
Thomas Rump

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