[GnomeMeeting-list] Question GM 0.93.1 <=> Gatekeeper <=> netmeeting 3.01 or via LDAP/ILS


I have set up both the GNU GateKeeper and the LDAP/ILS server on my firewall in my attempt to get GM/NM central nexus point running.

I setup all the correct ports in my iptable firewall for what GM, NM, LDAP, GNUgk wanted.

I started with the ldap/ils solution but was having a bit of issues with visibilty of GM clients from NM point of view, after reading a bunch of doc's I found a tweak to the NDK perl script to make GM clients visible and that was working fine from a directory point of view.

Now using LDAP/ILS system, when the GM try's to connect to the NM it says it contects, but imediately discounted thinking the call was done, this was puzzling so I made the conections from NM to GM but could not connect due to GM having a internal ip in the directory so of course NM could not connect.

Ok, so I installed GNUgk onto the box, got it running using the settings suggested from GM FAQ, the GM registered without a hitch, but I had some issues with NM, it wanted to conect to 1719, instead of 1720, so I tweaked my firewall to include that port. Then NM registered no problem.

When NM conects to GM useing the registered gatekeeper alias that GM registered with, the conection happens but the video from GM side appears frozen, and the NM show no remote video. If GM conects to NM vi NM registered gatekeeper alias it conects and NM sees GM video feed but GM only sees it's own video not NM video, in fact on the menu 'view' only local video is selectable, all other's are greyed out.



Will Merkens
Suite 1103, 505 - 4th Ave S.W.
Calgary, AB.

Primary E-Mail: willm merkens ca
Backup  E-Mail: willm wsm dhs org

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