Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] gm 0.94.0 does not find my dsp devides

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Ok, Damien. Here is my situation:

First of all, I never had to compile any of the pwlib, openh323 libs
anf gm because I was using mdk package. Everything was perfect with
gm except with netmeeting user (I couldn't see there video, sound was
good. And you told me that it was a known bug for certain people and
newer pwlibs fix that). So, here is what was working for me:


Mt sound card is an builtin Intel ICH i820 on my MSI mobo using a
commercial oss driver (because kernel oss and alsa driver had problem
to make my sound card full-duplex)

cat /dev/sndstat:
Card config:
Intel ICH AC97 audio controller at 0xdc00 irq 11
MPU-401 (UART) at 0x330 irq 7

Audio devices:
0: Intel ICH2 (2445) (DUPLEX)
1: Intel ICH2 (2445) (playback only) (DUPLEX)
2: OSS Virtual Mixer v2.5 Playback CH #0 (GRC2)
3: OSS Virtual Mixer v2.5 Playback CH #1 (GRC2)
4: OSS Virtual Mixer v2.5 Playback CH #2 (GRC2)
5: OSS Virtual Mixer v2.5 Playback CH #3 (GRC2)

Synth devices:
0: OSS Virtual Synth v2.5

Midi devices:
0: MPU-401 (UART)

0: System clock
1: SoftOSS

0: Intel ICH2 (2445) (AD1881A)
1: SoftOSS

To resolve my receiving video problem from netmeeting user,
sorry, not all of my friends are Linux "freeks" like us ;-) ,
as you suggest, I download and compile the lastest pwlib,
openh323 and gm. Here are the version:

pwlib: 1.3.9 beta
openh323: 1.9.9 beta
gm: 0.94 beta

And, since then, when I run gm 0.94 with those new libs, gm can't detect
/dev/dsp0 (I'm using the mic (rec) from my sound card). I still can
use gm-0.93 (I made a little dummy script to go back to working package).

About devfs:
Yes, I'm using devfsd. It was installed with mdk-8.2 but I'm not very
familar with devfsd and it didn't seem to mount ant of the sound device.
Here is my /etc/fstab:

/dev/hdc6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom iso9660 iocharset=iso8859-15,noauto,ro,nosuid,user,exec,nodev 0 0 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 iso9660 iocharset=iso8859-15,noauto,ro,nosuid,user,exec,nodev 0 0 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat codepage=850,sync,unhide,noauto,iocharset=iso8859-15,nosuid,umask=0,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/win_c2 vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hdc1 /mnt/win_c3 vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hdc5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/cd /mnt/cdrom/ auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0 /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/cd /mnt/cdrom2/ auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0

Device busy ?:
I don't have any sign of device busy in /var/log/messages and remember that it is working with gm-0.93

Same problem running it as roor as well.

Thanks again for your time folks, I'm willing to recompile
new pwlib, openh323 and gm to test any new fix. Hope those
info will help to fix the problem.


Damien Sandras wrote:
Let me add something to this:

The code for the devices detection is in pwlib. Nothing has changed in
GM for this part, ie if you are using the same libraries, both versions
of GM should detect the same devices. Your mail isn't clear. Your mail
seems to mean that using pwlib CVS and OpenH323 CVS, GM 0.93.1 detects
teh audio devices and not GM 0.94. That is not possible as the detection
code is in pwlib, so using the same lib should give the same result.

Your problem with Video+Netmeeting has been fixed in OpenH323 and that
will work even with GM 0.93.1 provided that you are using OpenH323 and

Please clarify your mail to describe the situation and what happens
exactly. Having the devices detected by 0.93.1 and not 0.94 using the
same libraries is totally impossible (except if some other program was
using the soundcard when you started GnomeMeeting).
Moreover, I don't think you have the same problem as Klakier. Klakier
always had the problem. It is new for you.
I know that you had installed openh323 and pwlib and GM 0.93.1 for
Mandrake using rpm's. I hope that you had carefully removed all the rpms
and the devel rpms for openh323/pwlib/gm 0.93 before compiling the new
versions or you can have conflict problems between the new and old libs.
The fact that you are telling us that GM 0.93.1 is still working tend to
prove that you didn't remove things before compiling and so your install
is completely broken and can lead to unexpected problems including

Notice also that 0.94 is CVS.

Le mar 24/09/2002 à 23:46, Wayne Veilleux a écrit :

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Just to let you know that I have exactly the same problem and I just compile the latest cvs from (for pwlib and openh323lib) and
gm stil can't open /dev/dsp0 (I also tried to ln /dev/dsp1 to /dev/dps0)
I still can run gm 0.93 but I have a bug receiving video from netmeeting
user so it is why that I'm compiling gm beta 0.94 which is suppose to
fix that.

Le me know if you find something.



Rafał Kleger-Rudomin wrote:

Hello Guys!

I'm answering you in one letter because for some reasons I do not get mails
from the list (despite I am subscribed). I'm just reading www archive...

Julien Puydt asked if I have devfs: no, I have traditional devices.

Fabrice Alphonso adviced me to try link dsp1->dsp0: I tried and it does not work.
By the way, I looked into pwlib sources and what it does is massive
polling every file in dev directory trying to find files with proper major,minor
pair. So simple linking seems to be too simple to cheat pwlib.

Finally Damien Sandras told me to try cvs version of pwlib.
I tried many times to compile all libs myself: pwlib goes well, then I install
it and I try to compile openh323 which always fails: asnparses says there is
lot of memory leaks. What is strange, I compile both pwlib and openh323 it by building rpm package, which has been succesfully built on other machines, so I really do not have idea what is wrong...

Anyway, I also suspect that recompiling libs might help.
So I'll try to ask openh323 people what might be wrong with this @#! #@! asnparser.
If you have any idea please let me know.


Rafal (klakierQ on IRC)

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