Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Problem starting

On 01-Jan-2003 Allan Rabenau wrote:
> Starting Gnomemeeting (both under KDE and Gnome - not from a menu, but 
> by command line) results in (both as user and root):
> gnomemeeting: error while loading shared libraries: 
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

on a RH 7.3 system, the following


are either from:

   or   compat-libstdc++-6.2-

you'll note that there is no, which begs the question as to
on which distro was the gnomemeeting you're tryning to run was built ? be that
as it may, if you install the libstdc++-<whatever> rpm, you should be able to
link. if you need to compile, don't forget to install the -devel- also.

best rgds,


   You can release software that's good, software that's inexpensive, or
   software that's available on time.  You can usually release software
   that has 2 of these 3 attributes -- but not all 3.
| Greg Hosler                                   hosler lugs org sg    |

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