Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gnomemeeting 0.94.1 fails to transmit sound under Suse Linux 8.1--The Solution.

Great it is working out of the box with Mandrake 9.0, this is a good
news :)

Le jeu 02/01/2003 à 15:22, Andrew and Catherine a écrit :
> I switched the OS from Suse 8.1 to Mandrake 9.0 and installed Gnomemeeting 0.93 from the download page.
> Everything came up working perfectly "right out of the box."
> Many thanks to everyone who works on the Gnomemeeting Project for a great and essential piece of software. Being able to comunicate
> without having to reboot to Windows is a great convenience to me.
> Andrew Carson
> PS The testing under Suse 8.1 was done with (A) and (B) (my wife and I) communicating with (C) where C was using netmeeting.
> With A  communicating with C ,  A could  hear sound but C could not.
> With B communicating with C,  B could hear sound but C could not.
> With A communicating with B neither A nor B could hear sound.
> C's conferencing software was known to work.
> It is for this reason that I concluded that A and B were not transmitting sound.
> On further checking, the problem appeared to be that Suse 8.1 was not able to accept microphone sound input for Broadcast2000 either,
> so I concluded that the problem was not with Gnomemeeting. Switching to Mandrake 9.0, which also serves my other Linux needs, proved to be an acceptable 
> solution.
> I record this story in case other people have trouble with Gnomemeeting under Suse 8.1 Perhaps this combination  can be made to work, but I was unable to do 
> so, even after considerable effort.
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> I'm not sure I understand your mail. You tell us :
> - A and B communicate
> - A and B can receive sound and video
> - A and B cannot transmit sound and video
> How can you be sure you are able to receive if the remote user is unable
> to transmit?
> If I had to guess your problem, I would say that you don't have problems
> to transmit but that the problem is on reception. 
> You don't give enough information yet to debug the problem but:
> - Are you behind a NAT gateway or router or is it a direct connection to
> the Net ?
> - Are you firewalled or not ?
> Le mar 31/12/2002 à 18:41, Andrew and Catherine a écrit :
> > Both my wife and I have Gnomemeeting 0.94.1 installed on our computers both of which run Suse 8.1.
> > Neither of us is able to  transmit sound although both of us are able to receive both sound and video. 
> > We have tested the abilty to receive sound by receiving sound sent by netmeeting to gnomemeeting.
> > 
> > Has anyone heard of a similar problem? Does anyone have any suggestions?
> > 
> > Andrew Carson.
> > 
> > PS Originally We were running Suse 8.0 with Gnomemeeting 0.12 that came with it. These could both send and receive sound and video,
> > but after a while the sound became  so tinny that it was hard to understand. When I posted this to this group, I received the following advice:
> > 
> > >0.12.2 is a very old release. The latest stable release of GnomeMeeting
> > >is 0.94.1, thus I would suggest you to upgrade your GnomeMeeting.
> > 
> > I  was unable to do this under Suse 8.0 as even the version of pwlib given on the download site with the Suse RPM's for gnomemeeting 
> 0.94.1
> > would not install in Suse 8.0. I thus installed Suse 8.1. The pwlib, h323 and gnomemeeting 0.94.1 all then installed. At this point I was unable to transmit sound, 
> as described 
> > above.
> > 
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