Re: Re:[GnomeMeeting-list] Mac OS X

Can you mail me the result of the execution of the configure script?
Somebody told me privately after I sent the mail that GTK+ OS X was only
GTK 1.2 and not GTK 2.0 like required by current GTK programs, is that
true ?  If so it could be the reason of the failure of the configure
Notice that GM still needs gconf to compile which is not exactly a gnome
lib, but gnome-related...

Le mar 07/01/2003 à 02:21, Andrig T. Miller a écrit :
> I pulled down all the source for GTK+ OS X and built it, and ran through 
> their tests.  Many things do not have implementations still, so GNOME 
> Meeting may build, but it probably will not run yet.  I also built pwlib 
> and openh323.  I started to try to build GNOME Meeting, but the 
> configure script complains about the GNOME libraries (which are 
> obviously missing).  Not being an autoconf expert, I tried the following:
> ./configure --without-gnome
> and based on the below:
> ./configure --disable-gnome
> Neither approach prevents the configure script from erroring out trying 
> to find the gnome libraries.  Can anyone steer me in the right direction 
> for how to make the configure script no longer complain about the 
> missing GNOME libraries?
> Thanks.
> Andrig T. Miller
> > That could help to have a native port of GnomeMeeting on 
> >> OS X when compiling gnomemeeting with --disable-gnome :
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Anybody interested?
> >>-- 
> >>Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com>
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