Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] (no subject)

Matthias Redlich wrote:
> hi there. im a new user to linux and i am currently running kde, i have
> had gnome meeting set up on my computer but im unsure on how to use it.

I recommend you to read the FAQ on, which is indeed
very complete. It will answer almost all of your questions.
read the faq is always good so nobody rtfm's you ;-)

> how can i take a picture?

Take a picture of what? GnomeMeeting is not used to take pictures, it is
used for video-conferencing.
you can take pictures at least in gm >= 0.95
(don t recall if you can in  0.94.x)

call --> save current picture

or just press crtl+s


Mark Anthony Hill                    icq: 105801943
mailto:koyama mahoni gmx co uk
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- The Prince of Insufficient Light -

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