Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] compiling Gnomemeeting trouble

I was running RH 7.3 some weeks ago and was very content with it. I upgraded to RedHat 9 because, gnomemeeting does not run with redhat 7.3.
Well, it does not run with the old gnome-libs, coming with redhat 7.3.
I thought updating all gnome-things is busy process, so I updated my distri from 7.3 to 9.
Ich you ask me today. Don? t do it.
I could not update it, I had to install RH9 completely new.

And my very personal feeling is, that RH9 ist not as stable and not as fast as RH7.3.
But if you ever update to RH9, i have some ready compiled rpms for 
gnomemeeting with libavc-support.

PUYDT Julien wrote:

Le dim 01/06/2003 à 03:59, Brett Carr a écrit :
Im a newby to linux but the only way to get gnomemetting and pwlib and openh323 onb to my box was to compile, and sugestions would be greatlt appeciated ,,,,, bare in mind im very new so explane well pllzzz
If you're that new to linux, then you're not supposed to compile things.
There are binary packages for various distributions, that should suit
your needs.

Isn't 7.3 a very old redhat? Perhaps you should update it, since recent
versions of gnomemeeting use recent versions of other software (gnome,
to name just one!)...

Compiling gm is tricky even for old timers => don't!

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