Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] 0.96.1 questions

On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 12:24, Miguel Rodríguez wrote:
> The same relation you see between the tray icon and the main
> gnomemeeting window is the one that exists between the main gnomemeeting
> window and the addressbook. If you open the addressbook you have to
> options to unmap it from the screen.
> a) Hit the 'X' button and close it
> b) Minimize it
> I use to go for a) when i do not plan to keep working with it, and b) if
> I know i'll be needing it soon, but need some more space in my monitor.
> With the main gnomemeeting window is the same:
> a) You can hide it because you don't plan to work with it soon, and
> don't won't to care about it, but want to keep getting calls (so the
> icon tray)
> b) You minimize it to gain some screen space but want to keep using it
> (maybe placing a call), so you can remap the window with alt-tab or
> easily with the window list (easier to click than the icon tray).
Ok, I can sort of see the alt-tab thing.  But I still think the
distinction is subtle, at best.

> All the purpose of the icon tray is to let gnomemeeting run without
> disturbing you when not in use, so that you can still receive calls.
> Believe me when i say that most users would find confusing the 'X'
> button to quit gnomemeeting while the icon tray is visible.
Before this latest release and when the "X" used to really close
Gnomemeeting, the only thing I found confusing was why the tray icon
existed at all.

> Btw, if what you want is a fast why to quit gnomemeeting, ^Q quits, as
> with all gnome apps.

For me, the only time I ever use ^Q is when I have a misbehaving app
that doesn't want to close any other way e.g. Gentoo file mngr sometimes
behaving badly.  I don't think I ever said that I wanted to be able to
quickly close an app.

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