[GnomeMeeting-list] Gnomemeeting <-> Sony Contact 1600/IP

(Sorry if you got the mail twice)
        we have bought a hardware based video-conferencing system from
Sony: Contact 1600/IP
If we connect to the system via gnomemeeting, the following happens:
- the call is accepted, ie the conference is established,
- the gnomemeeting client gets the picture of the Sony
- the Sony does _not_ display the picture of the gnomemeeting
- audio is fine.
According to specs. the Sony should handle H.261-(Q)CIF.
To exclude firewall/NAT causes, I also used a cross-over cable to
connect my laptop with the Sony.
We use the following settings:
Preferences-> general -> H.323 Advanced
  -> all boxes unchecked (also tried H.245 tunnel, fast start),
  -> input capabilities: all
  -> enable video transmission/reception
  -> max bandwidth 100
  -> min bandwidth 100
  -> min trans FPS 30
  -> trans bg blocks 99
 (also tried other settings)
Please find below a paste from the general history.
I would be grateful for any hint.
Thank you very much for your effords in advance,
kind regards,
--------------Send: H.261-CIF -------------------
(also tried small picture, i.e. H.261-QCIF)
19:39:38 Calling callto:200445
19:39:43 Started New Logical Channel...
19:39:43 Sending G.711-ALaw-64k{sw}
19:39:43 Disabled silence detection for G.711-ALaw-64k{sw}
19:39:43 Started New Logical Channel...
19:39:43 Sending H.261-(Q)CIF
19:39:43 Disabled silence detection for H.261-(Q)CIF
19:39:43 Fast start disabled
19:39:43 H.245 Tunnelling disabled
19:39:43 Connected with PCS-1600  using SONY PCS-1600 01
H323- 0.11/11520
19:39:43 Started New Logical Channel...
19:39:43 Receiving G.711-uLaw-64k{sw}
19:39:43 Started New Logical Channel...
19:39:43 Receiving H.261-CIF
19:39:43 Requesting remote to send video quality: 10%
19:39:45 Request ok

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