Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] recording problem

Le mar 25/11/2003 à 12:09, Maarten Vanraes a écrit :

> it's a VIA82xx, alsa doesn't report anything about full-duplex, so I assume 
> it's full-duplex. I got 2 devices on the 1 card. and have the second device   
> ( /dev/sound/adsp ) set to /dev/sound/dsp1 . I can use that one for recording 
> and the /dev/sound/dsp for playing. I've tried doing a 

And have you configured gnomemeeting to record from dsp1 and play to dsp

> cat /dev/sound/adsp > test.raw & sleep 3 ; cat test2.raw > /dev/sound/dsp
> and it worked perfectly....

What about real full duplex :
cat /dev/sound/adsp > /dev/sound/dsp

> I'm having the mdk9.2.

I was asking because perhaps you could try CVS, however we don't have
nightly packs of CVS for Mandrake, only Debian, RedHat and SuSE (I
think) for now.

> Maarten Vanraes
 _      Damien Sandras
//\     It-Optics s.a.
v_/_    GnomeMeeting:
        FOSDEM 2004:
        H.323 phone: seconix com

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