Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Mise à jour GnomeMeeting

Hi there,

I'm including the following message as I have a problem that seems related 
to that one.

I'm trying to use gnome meeting on both a desktop computer with a VT8233 
(AC97) audio card and an IBM Thinkpad A21p. Both are running RedHat 9.0 
and the version of GnomeMeeting that comes with it, i.e. 0.96.0.

On the desktop, I tried to start GnoemMeeting as a normal user and it 
complained about a key that is not correct (0). So I started as root, and 
it worked, up to a problem of audio (I'll come back to that latter).

On the laptop, I had the same problem at start up, and went to root, and 
started the thing, and everything went right. Then I restarted 
GnomeMeeting as normal user, and it worked. I did that several time, and 
once, with no apparent reason, it did not start, complaining about that 
key again. In the FAQ it is said that this is related to permissions of 
some files, which I check thoroughly. They were all ok. Five minutes 
latter I restarted GnomeMeeting, and this time it worked. So, without 
doing anything, I went from "work" to "don't work" to "work". What is 
exactly going on ?

Back to the audio problem. On the desktop I have the sound card working 
fine, at least for output: I can listen to CDs or watch DVDs. When I go to 
configure audio, GnomeMeeting only display /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer for 
audio player and recorder and audio player mixer and recorder mixer 
respectively. When I try the "test audio" button, it complain that it 
can't open the device /dev/dsp, although I'm superuser, and the 
protections are ok, I checked them. That was the end of my tests on the 

On the Thinkpad, I had the same reduced set of devices available, but the 
audio test worked fine with the internal microphone. I started to play 
with it, but the sound level received at the other end of the connectin 
was rather low, regardless of all the settings I could do on my side. And 
at some point, when going through the configuration druid, I was offered 
/dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1, and /dev/mixer and /dev/mixer1. So for the 
recorder, I choose /dev/dsp1 and /dev/mixer1. It worked much better. The 
sound level was much higher, both during the test and at the other end of 
a connection. The nest time I tried GnomeMeeting again, dsp1 and mixer1 
had disappeared. Play with plugging and unplugging the video, external 
mike before or after launching GnomeMeeting, I managed to have it re-offer 
me dsp1 and mixer1. But It's not reproductible.

So the question is: how does GnomeMeeting decide which devices it can use 
and it will propose for configuration ?

By the way, the video always works fine on the laptop, aas soon as I plug 
the WebCam.

Finally, a different question: I did my test with a colleague who is using 
a Mac PowerBook. She was running OHphoneX on her Mac, and could see me and 
hear me, no problem. And I could see her, but not hear her. From the view 
meter on GnomeMeeting and from the OHphoneX log, it seems that the Mac 
never sent any audio packet. Ever seen that problem ?

Thanks for your help, Jean-Marc Petit

On Mon, 19 Apr 2004, Isabelle et Patrice wrote:

> Bonjour,
> Je suis Novice dans l'utilisation de Linux.
> Dés que j'ai branché ma WebCam (Creative Vidéo Blaster Plus), 
> GnomeMeeting c'est déclenché et j'en fus très heureux.
> Malheureusement je n'arrive pas à configurer la partie Audio.
> Malheureusement ma version ne reconnaît pas mon circuit audio VT8233 
> (contrôleur audio type AC97)
> et reste bloqué sur Lecteur: dev/sound/dsp
> Mixeur lecture; dev/mixer, Enregistrement: dev/soun/dsp, Mixeur 
> enregistrement: dev/mixer
> Le test audio bug et je ne peux pas changer ces paramètres.
> J'ai téléchargé la mise à jour et tous les plugins mais je n'arrive pas 
> à les installer.
> Comment puis je m'en sortir.
> La langue Anglaise n'est pas mon ami et je le regrette.
> Merci de bien vouloir m'aider
> Houaïlou
> Nouvelle Calédonie
> igdpdg canl nc
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[ Jean-Marc Petit                                             ----- ]
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