Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Audio delay compared to netmeeting.

Le mardi 07 décembre 2004 à 21:58 +0100, Bruno Hertz a écrit :
> On Tue, 2004-12-07 at 21:29 +0100, Damien Sandras wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > We have a new ALSA plugin in CVS that could solve your problem.
> I'll have a look at it, thanks.
> > However, that doesn't sound normal to have to fight with such recording
> > options to get decent latency.
> Hmmm. You know, I searched the web for two days, read tons of stuff
> about kernel/audio latency, fiddled with pci latency and quite some
> other things but still kept wondering why I actually found so little
> material related to my particular problem. So maybe it really isn't
> normal, but frankly I have no idea what the reason might be.

A bit weird indeed, nobody reported such a problem ever.

> Soundcard? Buy another one? Too many pci cards in my system causing
> lag on the bus? I have a ISDN, TV, PVR and Soundcard, plus Ethernet
> of course. But does that have an impact? All I know now is that the
> buf size changes things, giving delays in the millisec range if
> reduced to 1k or less. 

The buffers are still less in GM. It requests 640 octets buffers and is
using the kind of hw_params you are telling. If you had the exact
instruction that could be compared to the actual plugin code.

> And what I know too is that XP booted on the same machine performs
> much better, i.e. with very small delays. That's why I ruled out
> hardware and didn't shuffle cards in the first place ...
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