Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gm OpenPhone and GK

Damien Sandras wrote:


h323:daniel huhardeaux

give me

calling danielhuhardeaux
user not connected

I thought it was already fixed in 0.98.5. Anyway, I suggest you using CVS
(, it is fixed there.

I have alias dh, h323:dh is working. I tried puting 2 spaces, its
calling but no audio from calling party to caller. As I explained,
aliases are working but only with gnomemeeting. If my client is
openphone, his alias is E164 and not an user alias.

An alias can be both an E164ID or an user name. The alias you choose has
no impact over the way audio is managed.
For GM no, for OpenPhone yes

You don't need to have a static IP to be able to connect to a gatekeeper.
Again, I'm not sure what you are trying to do. Are you trying to do a
"Discovering of the gatekeeper using the Gatekeeper ID"? If so the
Gatekeeper ID has to be put in the Gatekeeper ID field, not in the alias
field. The alias field is for your local alias that you are registering
to the gatekeeper.

No. Connection to GK is ok. Only I'm not allowed to use it as he doesn't
recognize GM's E164 alias. In GM preferences, on alias gatekeeper there
is info that if that alias is  fulfild with only digits and #, it's
considered as a E164 ID. And on this GateKeeper, I have to register with
E164 address.
Are you using GNU GK?
GNU GK has a severe limitation, it only supports authentication on the
first registered alias. The first registered alias for GnomeMeeting is
"Firstname Last Name". The Gatekeeper alias is registered as second.
The CVS version of GnomeMeeting permits forcing the gatekeeper alias to
be registered as first alias.

I'm not sure that's your exact problem, I'm just guessing.
I don't know which GK is on the other end ;-)

:  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ __  daniel huhardeaux tootai com
: /_____// __  // __  //_____// __  // / phone.: +48 32 285 5276
:  / /  / /_/ // /_/ /  / /  / /_/ // / fax....: +48 32 285 5276
: /_/  /_____//_____/  /_/  /_/ /_//_/ mobile..: +48 602 284 546

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