Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Report for Jonny Ström, OSS, Quicknet, PC-Phone, PC-PC, PPC


I can add a bit about the sound quality between GM and GM when using
the quicknet card.

It seems like the sound is coming back from the other end that I sent out with a delay but the delayd sound from me is really distorted.

Cheers Johnny

Damien Sandras wrote:
I have no idea why it doesn't work with the quicknet card from PC to PC.
Perhaps a bug in the driver with software codecs? Anyway, it is
impossible to guess without more info.

For your problems over dialup, please contact Quicknet.

Thank you,

Le 12/2/2004, "Zeno R.R. Davatz" <zdavatz ywesee com> a écrit:


I report following during testing with Jonny Ström:

I am using PPC Gentoo 1.4, Kernel 2.4.24, pwlib (1.6.2), openh323 and Gnomemeeting (1.0) are all CVS-Versions.

Sound on OSS was great (I do not have fullduplex card). Calling PC-to Phone over Quicknet was good as well (some delay in the hardline, calling a mobile in Switzerland more delay). Calling Jonny Ström did not work with PC-to-PC over Quicknet. Over Headset with OSS I heard him smooth. Also calling from PC to Phone over Dial-Up did not work. Hung up after 2 Words (Sound quality good!).

Thanks for Feedback.

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